Friday, February 12, 2010

Ken Griffey, Barry Bonds* and A-Rod*

Proverbs 12:3
A man cannot be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted.

I have always been a fan of Ken Griffey Jr. He seems to do things right. He trains; he loves his family, and seems to be an all around good guy. He is currently number 5 on the all-time home run leader board, his position gains greater prominence because of the misdeeds of his peers. While others tried to establish their place in baseball history through the use of performance enhancing drugs, Griffey Jr. remained clean. Whenever Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Alex Rodriquez, Manny Ramirez are mentioned among the all-time greats of the game, there will undoubtedly be some sneers. Some have even suggested that an asterisk be placed on their names to indicate that they cheated. As the Proverb states, "A man cannot be established through wickedness."

You may be called old-fashioned, but this Proverb states an irrevocable truth, "the righteous cannot be uprooted". It may be harder, but following the way of righteous is the only way to become established before God and man. When we are tempted to take a short cut, we need to think again.


  1. One of the things that I find interesting is how often Griffey was hurt--not using steroids means more of a likelihood of injury and slower recovery times. I'm sure there are spiritual applications to pull out of that, but that's all I got for now. :-)

  2. I wonder if Griffey's injuries remind us that we have limits imposed upon us by God and that lasting success comes from living within the boundaries God has made for us.
