Monday, March 1, 2010

God and the Scientific Method

Proverbs 7:1

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

I heard it said that "the astronomer peers through the telescope to see the theologian waiting on the other side". This little anecdote is meant to convey the teaching of this Proverb, that the acknowledgement of God as the Creator of all things leads to productive academic inquiry. The fear of the Lord leads us to believe that the universe is orderly which in turn helps us to arrive at the truth faster than those who do not start their knowledge with a belief in God as the ground of all that exists.

The scientific method begins with asking a question, doing background research, making an educated guess (hypothesis), and testing your idea. If your hypothesis assumes an orderly universe, then you have a head start in your investigation. If you do not assume an orderly universe, you have to begin with square one and seek to find patterns in things you assume do not have an overarching order. It is foolish to begin with our own presuppositions when we have a God that can lead us into all truth.

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