Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Random Or Not

Proverbs 16:33
The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.

In a review of Richard Colling's Random Designer, the book describes how

        the forces of randomness and chaos, which play central roles in our
        physical existence, are actually creative. The Creator simply taps
        these apparently random physical processes to accomplish his higher
        goal, the creation of human beings capable of consciously perceiving
        and acknowledging him.

I have experienced things that seemed unconnected, random and even contradictory in my life. One of the most pleasant surprises is how God has used what I deemed random, useless experiences and brought about good for myself or someone I love.

It is good to know that ultimately all decisions come from the Lord and are made into creative forces in molding us into the children of God.

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