Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Healthy Heart

Proverbs 4:23

          Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

No one would argue that life itself is not possible without a beating heart. Most acknowledge that life is "difficult if the heart is not functioning properly. So what is the professor getting at when he tells us to "guard"? The heart has been called the seat of the emotions. I like to think of it as the seat of motives. I can tolerate a person when they have made a mistake or when they acted on faulty information. If their "heart" is in the right place, they will be able to admit their fault and overcome their momentary lapse in judgment. But if their motives are wrong, they will not heed instruction when it is offered to them. If the wellspring of their life is polluted then only impure, harmful water can be drawn from that well.

By keeping our motives pure, we will bring refreshing to many.

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