Friday, February 5, 2010

Cultural Seduction and Dave the Banker

Dave became an internet sensation after he was caught on live television viewing images of scantily clad supermodels on his computer. How many of us thought it was just a funny, harmless news story? What's the big deal! It wasn't hardcore and there's just too much political correctness in the world. Well, the writer of the Proverbs doesn't see it that way.

Proverbs 6 tells the story of a young man who is led astray by sensuality. In the end the son cries out, "How I hated discipline! How my heart spurned correction! I would not obey my teachers or listen to my instructors. I have come to the brink of utter ruin in the midst of the whole assembly." We have bought into a worldview that says that open, unrestricted sexual expression is healthy and that any boundaries amount to political correctness or religious fanaticism. Let's stop drinking the cultural "kool-aide." Instead…

Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. Enjoy sexuality in the God-ordained context of marriage. Or in the words of the great cultural theologians TLC, "Don't go chasing waterfalls, stick close to the river and the streams you are used to."


  1. Dear Br. Orlando,

    What do you do when you keeping bouncing back to a beautiful creation?


  2. Run away! Run away! As Joseph learned with Potiphar's wife, some temptation is not to be fought, but avoided all together.

  3. I found that physically fleeing was not enough when the sin was in my own mind. I had to learn to say no to the sin, but could only do it when I completely gave up trying and fully expected God to help me in my weakness. Hope this helps, Mark. Love, Natalie

  4. Dear Br. Orlando and Lv. Natalie, Thank you! Love, Mark
