Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dealing with Enemies

7 When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD,
he makes even his enemies live at peace with him.

This is God’s way of saying that if you continue to follow after his ways, you will eventually be led to peaceful relationships with those around you. This proverb tells us at least two things.
1) When one follows God’s commands, they are more likely to lead a life that honors and respects other. Such behaviors ultimately bring peace with others, even your biggest enemies
2) God is the peacemaker. We can relax, live right before God, and let God bring the reconciliation we so deeply desire

What are your thoughts? What have you found effective in dealing with enemies?


  1. throught this whole Proverb it talks about our relationship with God. It's about trust and believing in him and has faith. Know we are not our own. God has made a convenant we us and we need to keep ours with his.
    Proverb 16:3 really spoke to me as I realized that I pick and choose what I want to committ to Christ, instead do what it says "Commit to the Lord WHATEVER you do, and your plans will succeed".
    Elba Rivera

  2. as i commit/surrender 100% and trust the lord my life is so peaceful and serene even in the mist of turmoil and enemies -yet in my walk i still sometimes take back my will and then the enemies seem overwhelming and my life is out of control.

  3. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
    --Proverbs 3:5-6
